Free Transparent Overlays
In today’s tutorial, I’m going to walk through the creation of simple transparent overlays, plus I have several premade sets of premium and free transparent overlays for download from the shop. I’ll also show you how to style them using Photoshop styles, layer effects, and patterns. Finally, I’ll show you how to export individual layers as transparent overlays.
The idea behind this tutorial is to show you formatting and a process. This is not a tutorial on creating specific designs assets. I will show you specific designs but the take away here is the process. My goal is to give you an idea of how to make transparent overlays. That way you can make your own graphics and use them beyond Photoshop in videos, slides and other media as well.
Get the brushes used in this tutorial here and here.

Transparent Overlay File Format
Creating transparent overlays is a very simple process. The process is a matter of creating brushstroke or shapes and styling them to suit your needs. The real magic happens in the file savings process. To get the transparent attribute, transparent overlays are save as specific file types. The file type is what will make them transparent.
Save images as transparent PNG’s to remove the visibility of borders. You need this format to maintain the transparent overlay layering ability.
SVG and GIF also support transparency but you can use PNG in most programs so it’s a much better option. Further, transparent PNG has two save options, PNG 8 and PNG 24.
PNG 8 vs. PNG 24
Graphics saved as PNG 8 use less color variation as compared to PNG 24. Limited color means the detail is more limited. Usually unnoticeable, unless you’re paying close attention. PNG 8 is also a much smaller file than PNG 24, this is mostly due to the reduced color profile. The smaller file size makes it much better for websites and online applications.
Why Transparent PNG’s are the best design element
There are a lot of great reasons to use PNG transparent overlays in your design. The reason for using transparent graphics is the layering quality that they have.
Transparent PNG beyond Design Specific Products
The layering aspect of the PNG format is great in traditional design software. You can also use PNG’s across many platforms. Design specific to administrative software like Microsoft office. PNG’s are the most functional and easy to use file types for design. Let’s take a look at a few ways transparent PNG format can enhance your designs.
Free Transparent Overlays

Besides the video where you learn how to create your own customized transparent overlays. You can also download the free transparent overlays I create specifically in this tutorial. These free transparent overlays are available in the PrettyWebz shop. I created eight transparent overlays for this tutorial, a few brush strokes and two squares you can use for text overlays, on their own, or stack them to create a unique design.

Additionally, if you are a PrettyWebz subscriber, you’re in luck. You will also receive a bonus this week via email. Check your inbox this week. I’ll be emailing out a link to a set of glamour typography based free transparent overlays. This set focuses on marketing for beauty, fashion and other industries focusing on ultra-feminine branding. The set includes a couple of brushstrokes and one hand painted flower graphic as well.
I know that you will love these glittery and glamorous free transparent overlays. Make sure you’re looking out for these in your inbox this week. If you are not a member of the PrettyWebz family yet, I encourage you to subscribe to my email list. You can do so in the footer on any page on my website. I don’t want you to miss out on any of the subscriber exclusive graphics assets that I send out.
Using transparent overlays in video
If you’re a video creator, you tend to think, zoom, pan, lighting, and all the artistic ways you can manipulate a video. Yet, if you make videos for Youtube, the goal might be different. On a platform like Youtube, the goal is entertaining, teaching and keeping attention. Sometimes those artistic effects don’t quite fit the style. If that’s true for your content, consider graphics.
One of the most overlooked ways to create interest is to use transparent overlays on your videos. Use transparent overlays as a simple way to create interest. Graphics help grab attention and bring a focus to a certain aspect of your video.
Overlays are more than lower thirds or transition. Transparent overlays can bring personality. Overlays can help keep branding focused. Your videos will look a lot more polished and put together.
Adding Motion to Basic Graphics
Text overlays on a video are great. Yet, any graphics overlay can create an impactful visual experience for your audience. Video overlays are not restricted to motion graphics. Creating complicated motion graphics isn’t always necessary.
Using only motion graphics is limiting the possibilities. There are many types of overlays you can use in your projects. Add basic PNG transparent overlays to a video to keep attention.
Additionally, use the animation and transition features of your editing programs. These tools can turn still overlays into simple motion graphics. In this way, you’re giving your still graphics a lot more range and versatility in your videos.
Using transparent overlays in slide decks
Slide deck software like PowerPoint and Keynote are excellent resources. Presentation software is an excellent resource if you don’t have access to design software. Purchasing Photoshop doesn’t make financial sense for everyone. If that’s you, take a second look at PowerPoint.
Don’t be fooled into thinking these programs have only one linear function. Programs like PowerPoint and Keynote are so much more than presentations. Create your blog, social media and motion graphics or video overlays all in one program. You get all these features without the learning curve. After Effects is a powerful program but it’s an investment and time that a lot of people don’t have.
Even without the fancy software, you can still get professional looking results. If you’re using a video editing software like Camtasia or Blender, PNG’s will work for you. Use transparent overlays to create motion graphics in PowerPoint.
Creating motion graphics in PowerPoint is a matter of adding animations to graphics. Saving the graphics in mp4 format to use them in your videos. The process is super easy!
Watch this video to see how I made a video gallery in PowerPoint using brush stroke transparent overlays
Using transparent overlays in online graphics editors
Online graphics editors such as Canva come with the host of image overlays that you can choose from. Many of the design assets included with online editors are free. Most of them, at least the most premium and worthwhile overlays are paid.
There are ways that you can upload your own PNG images to use as overlays in your designs. Keep your designs district from what everybody else is doing on these platforms. Using your own custom transparent overlays will help.
Part of the lure of online design programs is the ease of use. Okay, it’s easy. Most have templates already put together for you, this makes templates a no brainer, right? I get it, you don’t have to think about the design process. If you’re not a designer, templates like this are the answer to everything.
Free templates (like free stock photography) leave you vulnerable. You’re risking branding your business with cookie-cutter design. Designs that everyone is using. Trust me, the last thing you want is to look like everybody else.
For the sake of not blending into the crowd, create some custom transparent overlays. At least, buy some overlays. That way, you have a few assets to use for your branding. Upload your own graphics into your preferred graphics editor. Always opt for custom or premium graphics over those offered by online platforms.
Using transparent overlays in word processing software
Transparent overlays in a Word document is usually reserved for the logo in the corner. There are so many other applications for a transparent PNG overlay in Word. In fact, PNG’s are perfect for most documents you create in a word processing program.
There are a few ways to use graphics in documents that come to mind. A few examples are custom section dividers, header accents, side notes and calls to action. I’m sure there are many more.
Using Transparent Overlays in Photoshop
Okay, so I’ve brought it full circle, back to the premium design software. There are reasons to use transparent overlays in premium software. This is true even if you can work with layers.
Working with layers inside of Photoshop can weigh down your computer memory. Reduced memory will cause your designing process to become slow. You will find it much easier to create individual PNG images and use those in your workflow.
Transparent PNG’s will help you speed up the process of design. The process speeds up because you can flatten each element into one layer. Rather than each object containing several layers.
If you work in Photoshop but tend to work in large format document. Consider saving your source PSD for particular elements. Then with a PNG instead. You can always go back to make changes to the source file if needed.
Premium Transparent Overlays from the PrettyWebz Shop
If you like glamour and glitz styles check out the glitter strokes packs available in the PrettyWebz shop. All the glitter strokes are in PNG format for use in any design software or with online design platforms. Plus, get a sample pack containing free transparent overlays from each of the strokes pack.

Also, watch the gallery video I created. The video is full of ideas for using paint strokes and accent transparent overlays. These graphics are great for glitz and glamour styles.
More Free Transparent Overlays from the PrettyWebz Shop
Get the sample back for the premium brush strokes here. This free transparent overlay pack includes one brush stroke from each of the five packs above.
I have more stunning free transparent overlays in the shop here at I offer both free and premium transparent overlays. Make sure to check out the shop for everything that we offer.
Download this set of rose gold transparent overlays in the shop or read more about them here.
What more transparent overlays to add to your collection?
These are my top 10 recommendation for transparent overlays from the Creative Market. These are all amazing transparent overlays with their own specific style and elements. Browse through my selections here.
You can also head over to the Creative Market and build up your transparent overlay library. The Creative Market has a host of elements to choose from. All in different design genre. You’re sure to find something there that will suit your needs.
I hope you can see how versatile transparent overlays can be in your design work. If you use graphics in software other than Adobe, transparent overlays are perfect.
You can create detail and accent transparent overlays in Photoshop. Save them and use them in other programs. Microsoft Office products and online design platforms like Canva support transparent PNG format.
What’s Next?
PrettyWebz tutorial can help you learn and master the most frustrating aspects of overwhelming programs like Photoshop and Illustrator in a fun and entertaining way. Tutorial projects like the ones we share here on the blog are meant to help you grasp the use of the most powerful aspects of design software one step at a time. In the process, you will build your design assets so that you can create stunning marketing design for your business. So don’t forget to sign up below in the footer to become part of the Prettywebz family and never miss another tutorial.
Also join me on Youtube as well to check out the playlists I’ve set up for Photoshop, PowerPoint and other software you can use to design your online graphics.
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