Photoshop Glitter Effect – Glitter Rain
Another Photoshop glitter effect this week! This effect is for photography overlays and for creating stunning backgrounds. Obviously, I love glitter, this one is special. In November I moved to Seattle. I’m finally settling in here. Watching the rain on my windows as I work is really inspirational. I am one of the rare people who loves the rain. This Photoshop glitter effect is a nod to the rain.
I designed this texture as an overlay for photography. However, you can easily use it as a background as well. You could create a really beautiful base for typography.
In the video, I’ll show you how to make the Photoshop glitter effect. How to work with blend modes to create a beautiful background, and how to use it as a photo overlay to create interesting effects with your images.
Glitter rain Animation
Make sure to scroll to the bottom for the glitter animation tutorial created using the overlay we create in the first video. We’ll take this overlay one step further and use it to create a shimmering wall of glitter that reveals either text or a logo. The effect has a calming bubble wall effect. Create the overlay with pink or light yellow for a champaign bubble effect as well.
Compare your animation to mine by downloading the glitter animation PSD from the yellow box below. Download other resources for this specific video in the video description on Youtube.

Learn and master the most frustrating aspects of overwhelming programs like Photoshop and Illustrator in a fun and entertaining way with PrettyWebz design tutorials.
Tutorial projects, like the ones we share here on the blog, are meant to help you grasp the use of the most powerful aspects of design software one step at a time. In the process, you will build your design assets. Before you know it, you will have created a good working knowledge of Adobe design software and a nice asset library for your business.
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Also join me on YouTube as well to check out the playlists I’ve set up for Photoshop, PowerPoint and other software you can use to help build your online presence.
Resources for These Tutorials
Click for a direct download of the resources mentioned in the video. Resources are for reference, or in personal or client work. Tools can be used for creating your own resources but cannot be repackaged and sold on their own. Thank you!
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